Research is one of our primary goals at Biosynomics. At present, we are focusing on synthetic science, which entails gethering and analyzing published research to fully understand the sum of human knowledge on a subject. These studies are the first step in assessing what is known so first steps can be taken toward filling in knowledge gaps.
We are keyed-in to the most pressing issues:
The worldwide health crisis: Human health is deteriorating and our health agencies appear to either be blind to it or are actively ignoring it. Rates of Autism are skyrocketing, along with inflamatory diseases that only affect industrualized societies. We want to fully understand the reasons why health is deteriorating so we can help to inform the world about how to stop it. To this end, Biosynomics Director, Dr. Randall Reiserer, has joined a team of scientists, doctors, and health professionals from the Documenting Hope Project (DHP). Dr. Reiserer accepted the DHP Senior Scientist position in order to collaborate on this crucial research. DHP takes a unique approach to the study of childhood chronic diseases. A preliminary work can be viewed in the following IFM poster presentation.
Global environmental degradation: This problem appears to be causing the global health crisis. We are interested in finding ways to slow the rapid degredation of Earth's natural resources. Unfortunately, it appears to be largely a politically driven phenomenon. Our political and social leaders have ranked profit above the long-term survival of our species--and many, many others. Biosynomics seeks to understand this phenomenon so we can inform others about the costs we face for ignoring it.
Basic Research: Dr. Reiserer and his colleagues continue to do basic research aimed at gathering scientific details about how the biosphere operates. He recently submitted a paper about the mechanisms operating in a recent extinction event, and he is working on a new manuscript about large regional disasters. Check out Randall Reiserer's publications on ResearchGate.
Research Ideas
If you have ideas for research that you would like to share, or you wish to collaborate on Biosynomics research projects, contact us. We are always looking for bright individuals who are driven to act. A science background is preferred, but not necessary. The only qualification is an energetic willingness to work toward solutions.